When Can I See You Again - Owl City
Counting Stars - OneRepublic
Ussr - Slagsmalsklubben
Slagsmalsklubben is one of if not my most favourite music groups of all time, and its hard to choose favourite albums or songs because I really love them all. But if I had to choose, my favourite album is Den svenske disco, and here are some of my favourite songs (PS. I know there is an overring on an A in Slagsmalsklubben but it wont let me add it here for some reason):
Alongside Slagsmalsklubben, Siriusmo is able to give me such a good happy feeling and I love it. Good synths good noises good all around. I don't know if I have a favourite album but I really really like the art on this one.
Plone gives me so many good feelings and makes me so happy. It's such a nice specific feeling that I love.
I think I first heard Owl City after I watched Wreck-it-Ralph for the first time and heard When Can I See You Again. If you saw my Favourite Songs listed at the top of the page then you know that that is one of my favourite songs of All Time! So naturally I love a lot of other Owl City songs too.
I found this duo on iTunes when me and my family drove up north in 2022 and instantly fell in love. Their first two albums are my favourite but I think I prefer Ray Guns Are Not Just the Future, their second album, ever so slightly. By a VERY small margin. I love both albums ok.
I've known Her's since I was in middle school and they've become my go-to band for when I want to relax or just feel better. Sometimes I play their albums to help me fall asleep. Their music was there for me during a lot of my awkward school life and they are very important to me. I basically just listed all of their album Invitation to Hers below but I just really like it.
I love Toy. To quote stevekimber28281 on Discogs, "If you like chip tune 8 bit music
With a warm moog organic vibe this is right up your street lost classic so so good." And I couldn't agree more. I think if I were to describe how Toy sounds, it would be 1950s toys, which is fitting since they're called Toy. I can't choose a favourite album because there are only two and I like both.
One of my favourite music genres is bossa nova. The two Easy USSR albums by Vyacheslav Mescherin Orchestra are so relaxing and fun and unique, made in a time where electronic instruments were very new. They have such an interesting sound.
The Living Tombstone FOREVER. I've loved their music for SO long, ever since I was a little squid I'd be listening to those fire MLP remixes. I just never stopped loving their music and they mean so much to me.
There's one ABBA song that you like. There has to be. There is something for EVERYONE ok.
Super Mario Galaxy is my favourite game of all time and I genuinely think it has the greatest video game soundtrack of all time. I used to have a CD of the OST and I would listen to it in the car all the time and on my siblings CD player. Unfortunately it has been lost... I want a new one. The music is so important to me and everyone needs to know it!!! Listen to Mario Galaxy ost RIGHT. NOW! And while you're at it, listen to the second games OST too because it's just as good and I'm including it here too so yeah.
Guess what! Kirby is awesome! I mean if you didn't know that then um what are you doing with your life? This is my favourite Kirby game and the music is so spectacular. Not to mention it's so unique. Kirby music has always been just phenomoenal.
My first Paper Mario game and by far my favourite. But I'm not here to talk about gaming, I'm here to talk about that sweet sweet music you can hear in this game. It goes CRAZY! Like seriously, I love this game but I think the music is the best part of it.
When I was younger I wrote down lyrics to all of the songs and I still remember a lot of what I wrote, so I like singing along to this OST a lot. I think having unintelligable lyrics is perfect because that means anyone can enjoy and bask in not knowing what language it is. I feel like Splatoon 2 and 3's soundtracks come nowhere near as good as this one, but maybe I'm biased because I played this one as a wee squidlet.
I could make an entire page on this website dedicated to Nitrome music but that would take too long so I will instead stick with listing some specific favourites as I've done for the previous entries. Nitrome is incredibly important to me and honestly one of my biggest inspirations in both music and art. The games give me such a warm feeling that only the most specific of things are able to, and the music is a huge part of it.
Both Portal games have such atmospheric music that both give off such different feelings. While Portal 2 is a lot more upbeat, Portal 1 has very lonely and cold music, that totally fits the theming of the game. I think they're both super underrated as far as video game soundtracks go, and I really appreciate them.